さて、バックアップが完了したところで、FreePBXの管理画面を開き「アドミン」→「12 to 13 Upgrade Tool」を選択します。
続いて「Check the requirement!」をクリックして進みます。
すると、Asterisk REST Interface Users、iSymphonyV3、Digium Addons、FreePBX ARI Frameworkが古いと言われてしまいました。
そこでsshでAsteriskBoxへログインし、asterisk-version-switchコマンドを入力します。Asterisk 13にアップグレードしたいので、「3」を入力します。
Each time you run this script we create a new log file at
/var/log/pbx/asterisk-switch-version which will include the date and time
and what version of Asterisk you had and what version you switched to
Pick the Asterisk Version you would like to change to.
Press 1 and the Enter key for Asterisk 1.8
Press 2 and the Enter key for Asterisk 11
Press 3 and the Enter key for Asterisk 13 EXPERIMENTAL
Press 9 and the Enter key to exit and not change your Asterisk Version
3 ←Asterisk 13にアップグレードしたいので、「3」を入力します
しばらく待っていると、「asterisk13 has now been verified to be installed」となり完了します。
前提となるモジュールのアップグレードが完了しましたので、いよいよ12 to 13 Upgrade Toolを再実行します。
今度は依存関係が解消されていますので先に進めます。「Proceed the upgrade process」を押下して先に進みましょう。
ディストリビューションはデフォルトの「FreePBX Distro」OKです。
Installing 13 Framework...ERROR: Try running this manually on the CLI to finish: 'amportal && fwconsole ma upgradeall' となり失敗してしまいました。
Please wait...
new amportal script detected, copying it to /usr/local/sbin and attempting to backup up old
Creating symlink for fwconsole
Removing broken fwconsole link
!!!!amportal is depreciated. Please use fwconsole!!!!
forwarding all commands to 'fwconsole'
No repos specified, using: [standard,commercial,extended] from last GUI settings
No repos specified, using: [standard,commercial,extended] from last GUI settings
Upgrading: sms
Upgrading sms..
Starting sms download..
Processing sms
Verifying local module download...Verified
Module sms successfully downloaded
Creating SMS Message Table
Creating SMS Routing Table
Creating SMS Media Table
Generating CSS...Done
Module sms successfully installed
Updating Hooks...Done
All upgrades done!
Updating Hooks...Done
ただし、致命的なエラーが2件出ています。こちらも修正が必要そうです。設定の反映の為「Apply Config」をすると以下のエラーが表示されてしまいます。
Unable to continue. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/admin/modules/sng_mcu/functions.inc/dialplan.php on line 57
#0 /var/www/html/admin/modules/sng_mcu/functions.inc/dialplan.php(57): WhoopsRun->handleError(2, 'Invalid argumen...', '/var/www/html/a...', 57, Array)
#1 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/DialplanHooks.class.php(95): sng_mcu_get_config('asterisk')
#2 /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf(864): FreePBXDialplanHooks->processHooks('asterisk', Array)
#3 {main}
こちらはどうやら「Sangoma MCU」を止めれば解消するようです。「アドミン」→「モジュール管理」から「Sangoma MCU」を選択し「無効」にしてしまいましょう。
Unable to continue. SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'asterisk.freepbx_users' doesn't exist in /var/www/html/admin/modules/bria/Bria.class.php on line 209
#0 /var/www/html/admin/modules/bria/Bria.class.php(209): PDOStatement->execute()
#1 /var/www/html/admin/modules/bria/functions.inc/geters_seters.php(31): FreePBXmodulesBria->getAllUsers()
#2 /var/www/html/admin/modules/sysadmin/functions.inc/general.php(187): bria_get_users_enabled()
#3 /var/www/html/admin/modules/sysadmin/functions.inc/general.php(161): sysadmin_extensions_limit('remaining')
#4 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/DialplanHooks.class.php(95): sysadmin_get_config('asterisk')
#5 /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf(864): FreePBXDialplanHooks->processHooks('asterisk', Array)
#6 {main}
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| asterisk |
| asteriskcdrdb |
| mysql |
| test |
5 rows in set (0.08 sec)
mysql> use asterisk;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_asterisk |
| admin |
| ampusers |
| announcement |
| arimanager |
| bria_settings |
| callback |
| callrecording |
| callrecording_module |
| certman_cas |
| certman_certs |
| certman_csrs |
| certman_mapping |
| cidlookup |
| cidlookup_incoming |
| contactmanager_entry_emails |
| contactmanager_entry_images |
| contactmanager_entry_numbers |
| contactmanager_entry_speeddials |
| contactmanager_entry_userman_images |
| contactmanager_entry_websites |
| contactmanager_entry_xmpps |
| contactmanager_group_entries |
| contactmanager_groups |
| cronmanager |
| custom_extensions |
| cxpanel_conference_rooms |
| cxpanel_email |
| cxpanel_managed_items |
| cxpanel_phone_number |
| cxpanel_queues |
| cxpanel_recording_agent |
| cxpanel_server |
| cxpanel_users |
| cxpanel_voicemail_agent |
| dahdi |
| dahdi_advanced |
| dahdi_advanced_modules |
| dahdi_analog |
| dahdi_configured_locations |
| dahdi_modules |
| dahdi_spans |
| dahdichandids |
| daynight |
| devices |
| digium_phones_alerts |
| digium_phones_customapp_settings |
| digium_phones_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_alerts |
| digium_phones_device_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_externallines |
| digium_phones_device_logos |
| digium_phones_device_mcpages |
| digium_phones_device_networks |
| digium_phones_device_parkapps |
| digium_phones_device_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_device_ringtones |
| digium_phones_device_settings |
| digium_phones_device_statuses |
| digium_phones_devices |
| digium_phones_extension_settings |
| digium_phones_externalline_settings |
| digium_phones_externallines |
| digium_phones_firmware |
| digium_phones_firmware_packages |
| digium_phones_general |
| digium_phones_lines |
| digium_phones_logos |
| digium_phones_mcpage_settings |
| digium_phones_mcpages |
| digium_phones_network_settings |
| digium_phones_networks |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entries |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings |
| digium_phones_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_pnac_settings |
| digium_phones_pnacs |
| digium_phones_queues |
| digium_phones_ringtones |
| digium_phones_status_entries |
| digium_phones_status_settings |
| digium_phones_statuses |
| digium_phones_voicemail_translations |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits |
| digiumaddoninstaller_registers |
| digiumaddoninstaller_system |
| directory_details |
| directory_entries |
| disa |
| extensions |
| fax_details |
| fax_incoming |
| fax_users |
| featurecodes |
| findmefollow |
| freepbx_log |
| freepbx_settings |
| globals |
| hotelwakeup |
| hotelwakeup_calls |
| iax |
| iaxsettings |
| incoming |
| indications_zonelist |
| ivr_details |
| ivr_entries |
| kvstore |
| language_incoming |
| languages |
| logfile_logfiles |
| logfile_settings |
| manager |
| meetme |
| miscapps |
| miscdests |
| module_xml |
| modules |
| music |
| notifications |
| outbound_route_patterns |
| outbound_route_sequence |
| outbound_route_trunks |
| outbound_routes |
| outroutemsg |
| paging_autoanswer |
| paging_config |
| paging_groups |
| parkplus |
| pinset_usage |
| pinsets |
| pjsip |
| presencestate_list |
| presencestate_prefs |
| queueprio |
| queues_config |
| queues_details |
| recordings |
| ringgroups |
| setcid |
| sip |
| sipsettings |
| sms_media |
| sms_messages |
| sms_routing |
| sng_mcu_details |
| sng_mcu_entries |
| soundlang_customlangs |
| soundlang_packages |
| soundlang_prompts |
| soundlang_settings |
| superfecta_mf |
| superfecta_mf_child |
| superfecta_to_incoming |
| superfectacache |
| superfectaconfig |
| sysadmin_options |
| sysadmin_update_log |
| timeconditions |
| timegroups_details |
| timegroups_groups |
| trunk_dialpatterns |
| trunks |
| tts |
| ttsengines |
| ucp_sessions |
| userman_groups |
| userman_groups_settings |
| userman_users |
| userman_users_settings |
| users |
| vmblast |
| vmblast_groups |
| voicemail_admin |
| webrtc_clients |
177 rows in set (0.01 sec)
function getAllUsers() { $sql = "SELECT u.id, u.username, u.default_extension, u.fname, u.lname //FROM freepbx_users u //JOIN freepbx_users_settings s ON s.uid = u.id FROM userman_users u JOIN userman_users_settings s ON s.uid = u.id WHERE s.module = 'bria' AND s.key = 'enabled' AND s.val = 1";